Small Healthy Environment Limited (SHEL) has developed a groundbreaking solution for menstrual cramps that doesn’t require medication.

The SHENVIROPAD® is a Class 1 Medical Device designed to target primary dysmenorrhea. It is a non-pharmacologic pad system that creates an air layer, which acts as a “Small Healthy Environment” or “Invisible Shield”.

This wearable device stimulates the internal biochemical process that elevates and restores a higher level of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) through In Vitro, proven to reduce the severity of cramps or even stop them altogether.

The SHENVIROPAD® provides instant relief when worn and is more effective than other dysmenorrhea relief solutions.

The SHENVIROPAD® is necessary for those seeking an affordable, medication-free solution to menstrual pain. This exceptional product has the potential to benefit over 390,000,000 individuals worldwide every month, equating to more than 5% of the global population.

Women of reproductive age who experience severe dysmenorrhea will find the SHENVIROPAD® to be a game-changer as it effectively alleviates menstrual discomfort and cramps, which are often the cause of stigma, exclusion, and discrimination.


Small Healthy Environment®(SHE)

An optimal setting involves a layer of air that envelops a local skin surface providing a comfortable temperature, agreeable humidity, and fresh air that is free from irritants and toxins that contribute to human well-being. This diagram on the right demonstrates that wearing a particular fabric can achieve these functions and advantages, resulting in such an environment.


It is disheartening to know that primary dysmenorrhea is a prevalent issue among women of reproductive age. The statistics are quite alarming, with a prevalence rate as high as 65% and even as high as 85% in some studies. It’s concerning to know that 60% of women who suffer from dysmenorrhea experience moderate to severe symptoms. This highlights the urgent need for extensive research and greater attention to be given to this crucial matter.


The Efficient-care Protocol

To significantly reduce the severity of dysmenorrhea, it’s crucial to adopt a Small Healthy Environment (SHE) ownership strategy. Make sure you use a pantyliner for five to six days before your menstrual cycle begins and change it daily, as well as before bed, as outlined in the Efficient-care Protocol on the right. This practice is vital for creating a healthy environment in the area, which will greatly improve your quality of life and productivity.


SHEL is committed to leveraging technology to efficiently address the stigma, exclusion, and discrimination women of childbearing age face.

SHEL will provide genuine solutions to address the persistent symptom of dysmenorrhea, educating women and girls on safe period management and challenging negative attitudes towards menstruation, particularly among men and boys.


At SHEL, we strongly believe in increasing financial support and improving Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) activities. To achieve this, it is crucial to collaborate effectively with local charities and governments. In Hong Kong, we urge the initiation of a free SHENVIROPAD® program to provide support to young females still in school. To ensure the success of this program, individuals can contribute a monthly donation of HKD50. For details, please get in touch with The Women’s Foundation HK.


Solution to Relieve Menstrual Cramps

Among the many solutions for relieving menstrual pain, only one can “relieve pain” with 99.0% confidence level, Shuwenle®, allowing you to truly enjoy a pleasant life with “pain-free menstrual period”

芸芸眾多的減緩經痛方案中,只有一個能夠 “袪痛” 達 99.0% 置信水平的舒溫樂® 讓妳真正享受 “無痛經期” 的愉悅人生